Auto Glass Essentials: Restoration Guidelines
Posted on: 22 May 2023
Your automotive restoration project may require that new glass is installed. The steps below will walk you through the glass upgrades your automotive technician will conduct.
Shop Installations And Mobile Installations
Auto glass upgrades can be conducted in an automotive shop or on your property. The location where you prefer to have the glass installation conducted will guide you toward hiring a standard automotive technician or a mobile technician.
The Glass
The automotive glass that a mechanic uses for the upgrades will be ordered in advance. You will need to supply your technician with the make and model of your vehicle. The technician may wish to inspect your vehicle.
If the glass that is installed in your vehicle isn't badly damaged, the technician may be able to repair it. An epoxy product is used to fill small chips in the glass.
If the glass cannot be repaired, a technician will order OEM glass or aftermarket glass for the upgrade. A technician will provide you with pricing details, which will allow you to select glass products that fit your budget.
The Removal Of Glass
Once your glass order comes in, the mechanic will schedule the installation. During the service appointment, the mechanic will use a molding removal tool to loosen the molding materials from each glass panel that is being removed. This type of tool has a smooth surface that won't damage the metal that is next to the molding.
Next, the technician may use a suction device to help them pry the glass loose. They may also use some additional hand tools to loosen the adhesive that is holding the glass in place.
The Installation Of Glass
The technician will clean each window frame or windshield frame where new glass is going to be installed. This step will ensure that the new pieces of glass rest in their respective frames properly. The cleaning process may involve using a vacuum to suck up loose dirt. Then, the technician may use a cleaning agent to clean the interior frames.
Each piece of glass will be installed separately. Lining up the glass and applying an adhesive to the outer edges will be necessary. After the glass has bonded, the technician will install the molding. The molding will be aligned around the outer edges of the glass. The adhesive that was applied to each glass pane will require plenty of time to dry.
While the adhesive dries, keep your vehicle parked in a ventilated area. Ventilation will support the drying process.
To learn more about auto glass installation, contact a local auto glass repair shop.