When Should You Change Your Auto Glass?

Posted on: 9 May 2024

Your car's windshield and windows play a crucial role in keeping you safe while on the road. From protecting you from debris to providing structural support in case of an accident, your auto glass is more important than you may realize. But how do you know when it's time to replace your auto glass?

In this blog post, we will discuss the signs that indicate it's time for a new windshield or window.

Cracks and Chips

One of the most obvious signs that you need to change your auto glass is visible cracks and chips. Even minor cracks can weaken your windshield's integrity, increasing its vulnerability to shattering during an accident. If you notice any chips or cracks on your windshield or windows, it's crucial to have them repaired or replaced as soon as possible to ensure your safety on the road.

Distorted Vision

Another sign that it's time to change your auto glass is distorted vision. If you notice that your windshield or windows are distorting your view of the road ahead, it could be a sign of delamination or damage to the glass. This can be dangerous while driving, as it impairs your ability to see clearly and react quickly to potential hazards. If you experience distorted vision while driving, it's essential to have your auto glass inspected by a professional.

Loose Molding

The molding around your windshield and windows plays a crucial role in keeping out water and preventing leaks inside your vehicle. If you notice that the molding is loose or damaged, it could be a sign that it's time to change your auto glass. Loose molding can allow water to seep into your car, leading to mold growth and damage to the interior of your vehicle. If you notice any issues with the molding around your auto glass, it's best to have it inspected by a professional.

Wind Noise

Excessive wind noise while driving can also indicate that it's time for a new windshield or window. Wind noise can be caused by gaps between the glass and the frame of your car, which can occur over time due to wear and tear. If you notice an increase in wind noise while driving, especially at higher speeds, it may be time to replace your auto glass.

Safety Concerns

Ultimately, if you have any concerns about the safety of your auto glass, it's best not to wait until there is visible damage before taking action. Your safety on the road should always be a top priority, so if you have any doubts about the condition of your windshield or windows, don't hesitate to have them inspected by a professional. It's always better to be proactive when it comes to maintaining the integrity of your auto glass.

Reach out to a company like Avenue Glass Shop to learn more.
